Eye of the Storm: Effectively Preparing for Hurricane Season
To date, the National Hurricane Survival Initiative has generated more than 370 million media impressions overall, with media coverage in newspapers, radio and television nationwide, including CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, New York Times, Orlando Sentinel, and the Palm Beach Post, among others.
Three conditions need to be in existence for the formation of a hurricane: pre-existing disturbance of thunderstorms, warm ocean temperatures up to 80 degrees to a depth of approximately 150 feet, and light upper level winds that speed throughout the depth of the atmosphere. Even with today's sophisticated computer-forecasting models, a hurricane's path, strength and potential for damage can not be precisely predicted. That is why preparing for the worst possible situation is a smart move.
In preparing for a hurricane or disaster, families should identify ahead of time where they will go if they need to evacuate. Choose a home of a friend of family member show home is well away from coastal areas. Other options include a motel or approved hurricane shelter. Following a disaster, it's often easier to call long distance. Consider asking an out-of-state friend to be the "family contact" - someone everyone in the family knows to call to tell him or her where they are. Locate important papers and documents and have them ready to take with you should you need to evacuate. These include driver's license, Social Security cards, proof of residence, insurance policies, wills, birth and marriage certificates, and tax records. Exterior and interior photos of your home should also be included.
A hurricane plan must also include the things you have to protect and secure your home against during the storm. Do everything you can to minimize the danger to your family and damage to your house.
Outside of house:
Keep trees and shrubs trimmed
Remove loose branches
Clean out gutters and downspouts
Clear the lawn of furniture, potted plants, and any other items that can become windborne.
Secure windows and glass doors by using shutters or installing plywood
Brace garage doors
Leave swimming pools filled and add extra chlorine
Secure trailed boats
Fill vehicle fuel tanks
Inside house:
Locate water valves, gas valves, and main electric breaker. Have instructions on how to turn of electricity, gas and water if authorities advise to do so.
Unplug all but essential appliances and electric equipment.
Turn refrigerator and freezer to coldest setting.
Secure and waterproof your home office. Back up computer files on disks.
Stay indoors, away from windows.
Locate a safe room in the center of your home, without windows, such as a bathroom or closet.
There are six basics you should stock for your home: water, food, first aid supplies, clothing and bedding, tools and emergency supplies, and special items. It's important to have certain items on hand to make you and your family as safe and comfortable as possible in your home or when you evacuate:
Important papers, in waterproof container.
Water - figure on at least one gallon daily per person for five days.
Water purification tablets (halazone).
Food - non-perishable foods that do not need cooking such as canned meat and fish, canned fruits and vegetables, canned soups and puddings, dried fruits, cereal, bread, and instant tea or coffee, to name a few
Special food for pets, babies or the elderly.
First Aid Kit
Radio and extra batteries
Useful tools such as hammer and nails, screwdrivers and screws, all-purpose cleaner, shovel, duct tape, ladder, and portable generator, to name a few.
Other hurricane and earthquake preparation sites recommend safety knives as part of self-rescue kits because of their small size, long shelf life, and multiuse capabilities. Many rescue personnel after Hurricane Katrina carried safety knives for quick-access cutting ability without having an exposed blade at all times. This cost-effective item can be replaced cheaply, lessening incidences of contamination. Forward-thinking companies are planning ahead for disaster operations and ordering supplies of utility knives to issue on demand along with flashlights and other items.
Here are a few things NOT to do in preparation for, or during a storm:
Don't put masking tape on windows - it won't keep the windows from shattering
Don't crack a window - this will not equalize pressure atmospheric pressure inside/outside the house
Don't buy a chainsaw - Sleep deprived and distraught, after the storm is not the best time to use a dangerous power tool.
Don't buy candles With roads out and the fire department grounded, do you really need a house on fire? Invest in battery-powered sources of lights and a battery-powered radio.
Preparing for the Rigours of Oil and Gas Jobs
Oil and gas companies are facing stiff competition from upstarts in the alternative energy industry. Solar panel manufacturers, microhome producers and other companies devoted to clean building have increased pressure on national governments to make oil and gas prohibitively expensive. Your ability to find oil and gas jobs that allow you to fuse traditional demand with new techniques rests on your connections within the industry. Ethanol, gas enrichment and other methods of fuelling the world economy ensure a high demand for oil and gas experts well into the future. The problem comes in fending off hundreds of fellow applicants for these positions.
You can set yourself apart from other oil and gas professionals by showing a willingness to work in hostile environments. Natural oil reserves are found in mountains, deserts, oceans and tundras around the world. The cultivation of natural gas requires a fair amount of risk for the workers on the front lines. Utility companies and energy firms that send out workers pay handsomely based on the risk taken in retrieving valuable resources. Candidates with military experience and a history of extensive travels as well as a hearty spirit will do well in the rigorous environments of fuel cultivation.
The rigours of finding oil and gas reserves in your daily work make proper preparations a matter of life and death. You need to be in solid physical shape in order to deal with adverse weather conditions. Your knowledge of drilling equipment and storage methods will help you store processed fuel in an efficient manner. If your position with an oil company involves field work, courses in emergency medical procedures and rock climbing may be wise. Oil and gas professionals from field workers to executives need to know about all aspects of this competitive industry to gain success.
Euphemisms For BMW
My only problem at the moment is that because I wanted to bling up my wagon, I've gone and blown the rest of my moolah on new wheels. However, I have the best mum in the world and she's lent me the money to go to the pub. I drive down and pick the best spot in the car park, choosing to hang around outside and show off my car.
My best mate emerges from the pub looking wasted. Usually a belligerent, miserable workaholic, he's had the benefit of massive quantities of whiskey which have turned him into a big mellow wuss with a brilliant merry wit. And he's going to need it in the morning!
Recently, he's been mixing with birds that are a bit mental and whacky but this one takes the biscuit! He sees a beautiful, mysterious woman where I see a belching minger in wellies with a black moustache that needs waxing. However, he is besotted with his marvellous wench called Bella Marie West but if you ask me she looks more like Bombay Mix gone wrong. He doesn't even notice the bogey-like mouth wart!
They've brought out bacon butties which she munches, giving herself wind. Unable to stomach any more of her burping, moaning and wheezing I head inside to chat to my favourite barmaid.
Some time ago, she made a bizarre marriage wager and is now very unhappy. She's half way through her second bottle of Muscadet wine and we talk over the barmaid's marital woes.
I have noticed the big, manky witch in the corner has been watching me for some time but after numerous beers she has mutated with ease into a bootylicious minx with the wanton look in her eyes. She's bringing my mojo well and truly back and before I know it, I'm begging her to be my wife.
My mother has sent my brother to look for me and he rescues me before my wittering gets any worse. I swear this bloke was born middle-aged and weird but I do agree with one thing. My brother's mantra was always to back marvellous cars with banging music woofers. So, sitting in the car park, I demonstrate the beastly mega wattage on my baby's multi-channelled wireless.
Concerned that my battery might wane, I turn the radio off and my brother's mood worsens. The only way to cheer him up is to allow him to drive home my Bavarian Motor Works beauty.
来自美国拥有 130年历史的热水器巨头 A. O.史密斯,自落户中国以来,一直通过不断地技术创新来顺应消费者的需求。继今年 3月在中国的全球工程研发中心正式落成启用后,经过 3年潜心研究而发明的金圭特护系统,又解决了困扰热水器行业 60-70年的加热棒积垢问题,推动了热水器的技术革新。
普通热水器在使用较长一段时间后,内胆和加热棒积垢经常会导致内胆漏水和加热效率降低。 A.O.史密斯热水器的核心专利技术金圭内胆(专利号 (USA)09/686,288),具有超强的防腐抗垢能力,在美国曾经创造了一台热水器使用 52年的行业奇迹。为了解决金圭涂层难以附着加热棒的问题, A.O.史密斯通过改良涂层材料,进一步提升了金圭涂层的附着力和耐热性,使之可以运用在加热棒上,同原有的金圭内胆一同构成了 A.O.史密斯金圭特护系统,超强抗垢,大大延长了内胆使用寿命,长期高效的运行又为用户节省了电费。
在金圭特护系统问世之后, A.O.史密斯立即全面升级了旗下的产品,并推出了两款新品。作为 130周年黄金典藏机型升级版的 EW H-D+系列电热水器完美结合了行业尖端科技 AES自适应节能、变容速热技术、 24K镀金加热棒及 DIY自助节能功能。 AES自适应节能是一项先进的节能专利技术,它能够精确滚动记忆您和您家人连续的动态用水记录,并启动微电脑用水习惯分析系统对所有用水数据进行智能分析和优化处理,根据您使用习惯的变化,适时预先加热,能自动调节至最节能的加热模式,而在您的非用水时间,则始终保持省电运行状态。而专利变容速热技术则根据不同需求,提供节能、标准、速热三种加热可调设计和容量可变操作,春秋季可用标准加热模式,夏季或用水人数减少时可选择节能模式只加热上半胆水、避免剩余热水浪费,冬季或用水人数多时选择速热模式、缩短加热时间。变速之外还可改变加热容量,一台变两台,方便又节能。 DIY自助节能功能让您自助找出更适合您的节能使用方式,让您明明白白用电,实实在在省钱。此系列的 PEZ+机型,还特别加入无线遥控功能,迷你型防水遥控器可以实现所有控制功能,让您更方便、更随心设置热水器工作状态。这两款融合 A.O.史密斯顶尖技术的全新机型,将引领热水器行业的技术发展。